Sunday, 4 November 2012

6 Days in a Row: PART 4

- 3/11/2012 -

Today is the day where me and my family members went to have my birthday celebration in advance. Every year I will be celebrating my birthday on the exact date but this year will be kinda different from usual due to Monday ( 5th Nov ) is the first day of work for my internship.
 So my family members decided to make it advance for two days.

We went to Shabu Shabu House located at Sri Kembangan for da celebration.
Everyone of us had a great time eating over there.

Of course there must be some photos! It is a MUST for me! Hehehehe! 

I look so fair in this photo. Hehehe!

Mummy ♥ Grandma ♥ Me ♥ Boyfie ♥

  After had da steamboat, we all head back to my house and it's cake time!

Not much decoration for my this year bday cake BUT it is the Secret Recipe's Chocolate Indulgence! YUUUMMSSS! ♥

The Birthday Girl .. Muahaha!

With my boy ♥

Making wishes

Cut cake time

Love this photo so much.

With my pretty mummy ♥

Kiss kiss 

With my handsome brother

With ma cousin

With grandpa

With grandma

After cake time, me and boyfie drank a glass of wine and have some chat with each others. I'm so happy on today as I able to spend times with my family members and took alot of nice photos.

It's Friday! I left more two days before heading for my internship!
Booooo Hoooooo! So sad!!!

There are PART 5 coming soon! 

Stay tune ♥